The online and offline community where #muslimprofessionals get together to talk shop and meet new people!

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What is #muslimprofessionals, and why should I join?

#muslimprofessionals is more than a networking group; it's a movement aimed at unifying the Muslim community through shared faith and purpose. Inspired by the Quranic verse, "Hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided" (Quran 3:103), and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who said, "The believers, in their love, mercy, and compassion for each other, are like a body: if one part feels pain, the whole body suffers in sleeplessness and fever" (Sahih Muslim 2586), we strive to embody these principles.

Our mission is to create a space where Muslim professionals, students, and entrepreneurs can transcend sectarian and cultural differences, fostering a community of support, learning, and mutual growth. By leveraging our collective strengths and focusing on what unites us—the Shahadah and our commitment to justice, compassion, and progress—we empower each other to achieve greatness. #muslimprofessionals invites you to join a network dedicated to making meaningful change, both within our community and beyond, guided by the wisdom of our faith.

Here's what we do:

Apply today for free!

Ready to join?
We welcome anyone passionate about meeting new people, picking up a new hobby, or just finding someone to grab a bite to eat with! 

If you are a student - please input your Job Title with your class year (e.g. Class of 2024) and your Industry as your current major (e.g. B.S. In Economics).

Note: LinkedIn is currently our only way to validate a member. If you do not have a LinkedIn profile, or input an invalid URL, you will NOT get approved.

Job Title*:
Company or University*
Linkedin profile*
State (Not in the US, Choose Not Applicable)*
Reason(s) for joining*
*all fields are required
You've been pre-approved! 
We'll email you more details, but in the meantime...
Here's a link to all of our communities.
Be ready to introduce yourself and most importantly tell us your favorite pizza topping 🍕 (we're inclusive, it's okay if you have a gluten allergy)
If you experience any issues with links please email with any questions
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Disclaimer: By signing up you will be placed into our networking sheet and our newsletter. The spreadsheet is used to allow admins to initiate connections through our program, mpConnect. The networking sheet is not public and is not open to all members. Our newsletter allows us to keep you up to date of the different events we are holding, content (sponsored or free) newsletters, initiatives and more. We do not share emails. We do not sell your information.
We will keep it that way inshALLAH :).